Ονομα για το internet-cafe σας

As with every business, your Internet café needs a memorable name that will summarise the three main pillars that this kind of business is based upon: Community, Technology and Refreshment. It’s not as simple as that, however. Internet cafés offer more specialised services and their names need to reflect this fact.

Furthermore, Internet café names should strive to resonate with their intended audience, in order to differentiate themselves from the rest of the competition. For example, an Internet café that focuses on business users should use its name to reinforce the message of efficiency and superior technology. Something like “Digital Highway” or “Easy Net” might be appealing to a user who is looking for a no-nonsense place where they can do some work quickly and efficiently. These names might be a bit low on imagination, but they do convey the concept of efficiency and technology.

On the other hand, if your target audience veers more towards the mainstream, then you will need something catchy and fanciful that will make your business stand out from the competition. A neo-hippie name, such as Cosmic Cottage might be fun to design your business around and might spur some creativity that will give you an advantage in attracting the “hip” crowd. If you consider quality food and drink to be one of the cornerstones of your establishment, you might opt for a traditional look and a name that brings to mind a pub of yore, such as The Browser and Sandwich.

Internet cafés that focus on gaming might try to invoke a favourite game title, such as League of Gamers or Call of Ganking. These names should resonate with gamers, but the downside is that they might alienate other types of visitors. If you choose this approach, you must be certain that gamers will be by far the most important source of revenue for your business.

Last but not least, avoid names that will bring to mind major franchises in your area. You don’t want potential customers to confuse your place with other brands. Standing out is already hard as it is.

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