Πως να διαλεξετε την ιδανικη τοποθεσια για την επιχειρηση σας

I am willing to bet that someone has already told you beforehand the all too famous joke amongst academics, regarding the first three set of laws of marketing:

1. Location

2. Location

3. Location.

Well it might be thought of as a joke to play to new students, but it’s anything but a joke. The location of your new business is the 1stpriority in any successful business plan. Some companies will go so far as to rent or buy an new shop in a specific location, when the right opportunity arises, even before deciding what to do with it…


Unless you will be franchising where the name and dynamic of your franchise e.g. Gnet, will attract customers on its own accord, it’s all good and dandy to thing that you will just attract customers by the quality of the services and products you will be offering. In reality you first need to get them in for them to sample your goods and stay loyal to your business because of the quality of your services.

When thinking about internet café location, it really is no different than contemplating a location for most type of businesses. Your targeted customers should be the determining factor for your ideal location. If your target is students, don’t mull over it. That little shop next to the library is just perfect. In the other hand if you have a much wider audience than that, take into account a wider overview of the predicament. For example sometimes you might find it helpful to face the competition in the eye. If there is a major competitor in the area, trying to find a location nearby might be a very good idea. If he is already attracting the correct demographics in the area, and is successfully operating then there is not much worry about getting people in, as long as the product you will be offering is of equal or higher quality.

If there is no competition and you are the solo player in a new market the criteria differ. Go for a location with high profile and high volume of “traffic”. Check other nearby traffic generators e.g. cinema or coffee shops, that draw people in the area. Be somewhere visible. Maybe a location where an internet café used to operate? It’s the rule of New Favorites- Old Locations. You will be using the dynamics offered by the previous business to kick start yours.

Ask yourself some questions.

·         Do people you want for customers live nearby?

·         Will the facility be consistent with the image you’d like to endorse?

·         Are neighboring businesses likely to draw customers who will also frequent your business?

·         Are there any competitors located close to the facility? If so, will you be able to compete with them successfully?

·         Is the facility easily accessible to your potential customers?

If the answer to all these is yes then that location is worth some extra consideration.

Last but by no means least; ask the advice from some professional of the industry. We here at Gnet will always be happy to listen to you and help you whenever we can.

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